
Agra is one of the most popular hill resorts in India.

History of Agra

Climate of Agra

Agra magnificiently sitting on the western banks of the graceful Yamuna-the play ground of prankful Krishna, known as one of the twelve mythological forests as well as the Akbarabad of the Mughal emperors-is synonymous with the Taj. It is believed that city was founded in 1475 by Badal Singh. The fort of Badalgarh near Agra Fort was built by him. The ferocious Sikandar Lodhi made this city his capital but the fearless Zahiruddin Muhammad Babar, at the age of 43 defeated Ibrahim Lodi in the famous Battle of Panipat in 1526 and captured Agra. This golrious victory led to the establishment of the Mughal dynasty which resulted in several architectural marvels such as the Agra Fort, Taj Mahal and a whole lot more. After the death of Babur, the power centered around Humayun, the son of Babur. Since battles were never Humayun's forte, he was effortlessly appeased by the King of Gwalior with riches.

The city's fate changed when Akbar became the emperor in 1558 and the city was known as Akbarabad reaching its zenith during his reign with the fragrance of Mughal art and culture exuding its aroma all over the country. Jehangir and ShahjaTaj Mahalhan left no stone unturned and took forward his legacy by gifting some of the finest architectural marvels which till date bear testimony to the undying love of the Mughals for art and aesthetics.

In the year 176, the much loved city of the Mughals went into the hands of the Jats followed by a mindless destruction of the city. Later it went to the Marathas in 1770 who were thrown out by the British in 1803. Beyond the outer layer of the of a modern cantonment city, one can still feel the air resonating with the painful cry of the innumerable freedom fighters who were brutally tortured by the British. The glory of the romantic city of the Mughals started fading since then but what has not faded till date is the immortality of the astounding Taj Mahal!